Catherine is a highly imaginative, international colourist with a wide range for commercial, tv and feature film projects. Close work with world renowned Cinematographers, Directors and Producers. Top known projects. Widely travelled and very adaptable.
With a background in classical piano, photography, theatre arts, film studies
and programming, she speaks four languages and is based in
Toronto, Canada. She also holds an EU passport.
She is a freelance commercial and film colourist who is very experienced working internationally, including multiple markets in Asia, Latin and North America and Southern Africa. Catherine has developed the skill,
refinement and sensitivity to seamlessly enter into any market and to be an integral part of the creative community.
Her credits include working for the National Film Board of Canada,
Virgin Post Deluxe TO, Technicolor and many others. She has worked for international ad agencies and campaigns for Coca Cola, McDonald's, Sony, Procter & Gamble, Suzuki, Nissan, etc.; European productions, US TV series, MOW’s and films for the network and film majors: films like Cronenberg’s 'Crash', Ed Zwick’s 'Blood Diamond', John Moore’s 'Flight of the Phoenix',
Philip Noyce’s, 'Catch a Fire' amongst others.
Honourable Mention:
-Latin American Commercial Awards Festival, FIAP, Garcia Bross & Associates, multiple commercials, top prizes in all categories, Gold, Silver and Bronze.
-SHOTS International, England-Sept 95, 1st Commercial Campaign from Singapore to be included in Int’l. Ad Magazine
-Chris Award, Columbus Award, Columbus Intl. Film & Video Festival, '20th Century Great Adventures', CineNova/ Discovery
-Oscar nominated, multiple categories, 'Blood Diamond'
-Oscar nominated, 'Flight of the Phoenix'
-Oscar nominated, best foreign film & 61st Venice Film Festival Inaugural
Human Rights film award, 'Yesterday'
-Golden Bear Award, best film, Berlin Film Festival, 'U-Carmen yKhayelitsha'
Catherine is interested in exploring the real issue of visual talent...
how one can tell a story with pictures, colours, feelings and impressions embedded in the final images... communication on a sensitive artistic level through a strong technical acuity and attention to the subtle details.
She is a demo artist for the major equipment manufacturers and participates
in broadcast industry trade shows around the world.
She has had the unique opportunity of working on both sides of our business: production/organizational aspects and post-production, with a
comprehensive knowledge of the total processes from data, film to video, to delivery of a quality final product. Having experienced budget, crew,
production and post requirements gives her a considerable advantage when dealing with clients. Having had this type of first hand, practical experience, gives her the ease and information with which to communicate and to understand client needs and practical limitations, all in the interest of
producing the best quality programming possible within budgetary and time constraints. On-set colouring for tv and features is the evolution, interest and challenge.
Above all is the aim: Creative Storytelling - whether 30 sec. or a feature film.
Hollywood Professional Association (HPA) - Women in Post (WIP)
IATSE 667/ ICG (International Cinematographers Guild)
SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers)
2020 | To Come
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2020 | To come
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